











重获新生 剧照 NO.1重获新生 剧照 NO.2重获新生 剧照 NO.3重获新生 剧照 NO.4重获新生 剧照 NO.5重获新生 剧照 NO.6重获新生 剧照 NO.13重获新生 剧照 NO.14重获新生 剧照 NO.15重获新生 剧照 NO.16


 1 ) 第三季被砍

 2 ) 这是LIFE


 3 ) 我不在这里,我只是比不在这里更像在这里而已

Charlie Crews,因“杀人罪”被判刑十二年,这当然是冤案,所以这不是关于报仇的电视剧,在我写下这个很成问题的句式后,我发现我展现的,怕是和剧情那样的非正向因果关系。在一本禅书的禅理颠覆了Charlie Crews的一切仇恨后,带着还原真相及平合暴戾的平静,主人公开始可爱而活泼的禅意侦察工作。




 4 ) 可惜

可惜可惜啊 没有第三季了所有那么多没交代的全完了!nbc已经公布了说重获新生被砍了没有第三季了啊 超可惜 这部剧很吸引我剧情也挺吸引人的可了说这部剧被砍真的很可惜 什么时候能也建立个网站让它真正的重获新生

 5 ) 重获新生or终身监禁

        终于看完了Life,这个名字是一个双关,在片子当中既可以指“终身监禁”,又指生命。其实是这么回事:一个被判终身监禁的犯人,洗刷了罪名,最终获得了新的生命。旁白说得好:Life was his sentence. Life is what he got back.然而,这样的一个12年的坐牢经历,怎么可能不在一个人身上留下任何印记呢?新生命怎么可能是说开始就开始的呢?愤怒肯定是要有的,复仇的苦毒啃噬着他的心,使他的性情倍受压抑,这对他来说也是一种监禁。所以探索真相的过程对他来说也是一个释放自己的过程。这是一个具有顽强意志力的警察,在律师的帮助下,他从痛苦的经历当中汲取了某种营养,获得了一种超乎寻常的敏锐观察力和思辨能力。出狱以后,虽然领了巨额赔偿,衣食无忧,但是他却要求要回到警队,重操旧业,成为一名侦探(比过去的级别高一级),把这个条件作为赔偿的一部分。


        因为Charlie的关系,我最近喜欢上了冷幽默,在这个片子里面发现到处都是冷幽默。其中有一集,印象深刻,有一个叫做Farthinggale的死者被爆炸的瓦斯炸掉了下半身,只剩下上半截(看起来不很恐怖,倒像是一个逼真的半身塑像),他有两个假的身分,一个叫做Farthing,一个叫做Gale,分别以这两个身分娶了一个妻子,对他们声称自己是一个特工,其实真实身分只是税务局的一个再普通不过的小小公务员。不过这个小公务员还真发现了一个真正的特工也发现不了的大秘密,就是这个秘密让他丧命的。发现这个真相的过程也非常的神奇,因为要比对Farthing和Gale截然不同的生活习惯和爱好。(听起来很扯,可是过程很有趣味。)另外一个是追踪一个陈年谋杀案,禅宗大师Master Chang的尸体在他死后10年才被发现,身上有一款大哥大,内存卡还可以读,真神,咱们的Charlie大叔在片里面一直感叹科技进步真快(在牢里蹲太久了,出来以后发现这世界变化大啊)!帮助读卡的档案室小妞挺神气的,追踪了最后的几个电话号码,找出几个可疑的对象。在探访这些对象的过程当中,张大师不为人知的生活被挖掘了出来,和他让人望尘莫及的修行等级形成了极大的反差,也就是这些反差最终导致了他非常具有禅学意味的死相。这些案件其实情节不算复杂,也不特别让人觉得有趣味,可是因了一个一个的反讽,让人看的时候往往不知厌倦。

         在这一个一个的精彩破案故事里面,主人公Charlie和他美丽的女搭档之间的关系也越来越和谐,他们之间形成了一种默契,但是这种默契同时也带来了一种不幸,原因正出在Dani Reese的父亲身上。另一方面真相也在每一集里面一点一点地抽丝剥茧,到了第11集基本水落石出,但是似乎有更大的麻烦。11集里面Charlie在真凶面前挖洞的样子真是太酷了,典型的心理战术,让人佩服得五体投地。监狱的生活让他具有冷峻的气质,这才使他能够唬得住那些穷凶极恶的凶手们,不然这么玩命追查,肯定是死路一条。所以,这还不能说明问题么,困境有时候真是一笔财富。真凶归案的时候,Charlie赢得了办公室里面所有人的掌声。

       Charlie由Damian Lewis扮演。此人就是《兄弟连》(Band of Brothers)中的主角,骁勇善战,足智多谋的Richard Winters。在BOB里面,他是那样一个严于律己,富有同情心,几近完美的人,招来不少粉丝。因为嘴唇的形状比较像兔子,他得了一个“兔子先生”的外号,有的粉丝亲切地称他“大面”。虽然脸上皱纹满多的,但是当时他总体上看还是比较帅气的。看了BOB之后,我追看了他很多片子,都不是特别喜欢。神经兮兮的Keane看了一个开头我就不行了,现代版的Much Ado About Nothing也怪怪的,在The Forsyte Saga里面他演了一个坏得让人同情的反面人物,本来是一个亮点,可惜片子剧情比较夸张,活像香港的《创世纪》,豪门恩怨,不是我的那杯茶。 其实DL是一个很好的演员,只可惜老太快了,他的脸不能细看,71年生人,嘴角眼角都是好多皱纹,身材倒仍然消瘦,和James Spade相比,终归是显老,看不出后者比他大9岁。然而他的个人魅力不在外表,当他眯起小眼睛审视犯罪现场的每一个角落或者和罪犯对视的时候,你就会明白为啥剧里面的美女律师和美女搭档为啥心甘情愿围着他转啦,不光是美女们,还有他的好朋友Ted。着几个主要的人物本身也绝不是摆设,都是有故事的人,特别是Charlie的美丽女搭档,居然还会波斯语,好厉害啊,这一季旁敲侧击,一直在告诉观众,她背后也有一段引人入胜的故事呢。

      Charlie的个人魅力在哪里呢?首先,这是一个较真的人。如果是一般人的话就是take the money and go away,这样真凶就逍遥法外了。其次,这是一个很有正义感的人,以暴制暴,以牙还牙绝对不是他崇尚的。第三,虽然他并没有办法超越仇恨,但是他的头脑很清醒,看问题很透彻,知道仇恨是不好的,是苦毒的。所以他会做出买一匹白马送给自己的前妻并向她道歉的事情,他对她说,对不起,我错误地把你当作生气的对象。这种事情真是让人错愕。这样的做法,构成了他的第四点魅力的来源,那就是,不按理出牌,常常给你惊喜和希望。尽管不循规蹈矩,但是,仍然不能否认,Charlie是一个有原则的人,他对他的律师Cornie尽管十分爱慕和欣赏,但是绝对尊重。。。


贴一些Charlie Crews经典对白:

1)Corrections Officer #1: Getting' angry, convict?
Charlie Crews: Anger ruins joy, steals the goodness of my mind, forces my mouth to say terrible things. Overcoming anger brings peace of mind, leads to a mind without regrets. If I overcome anger, I will be delightful and loved by everyone.
Correctional officer #2: Are you makin' fun of us?
Charlie Crews: It is the universe that makes fun of us all.
Dani Reese: Why exactly would the universe make fun of us all?
Charlie Crews: Maybe it's insecure.

2)Dani Reese: I don't exactly understand you.
Charlie Crews: You don't have to understand here to be here.
Dani Reese: That's what I don't understand.

3)Dani Reese: If I had your money... I'd be on a beach somewhere. How come you're not on a beach somewhere?
Charlie Crews: Do I look like I tan?

4)Charlie Crews: My father is getting remarried to an 8 year old. Because my mother is dead. My mother is dead because he killed her. He killed her when he wouldn't let her come see me.
Constance Griffiths: No Zen for Daddy?
Charlie Crews: No Zen for Daddy.
5)Charlie Crews: That's like...
Dani Reese: Living in the future?
Charlie Crews: Actually, I thought about that, and it turns out there really is no future, or past either, just now. And now.
[she hangs up]
Charlie Crews: And now, now, Reese?
6)Dani Reese: Why'd you become a cop again?
Charlie Crews: When I was doing all that time, I always thought inside me, I'm still a cop, it's what I held onto.
Dani Reese: Wow, that sounds like a lot of crap.
Charlie Crews: A lot of life is a lot of crap.

7)Dani Reese: I need a drink.
Charlie Crews: I know somethin' better.
[on the street, Charlie is eating a cup of fruit]
Charlie Crews: Mango?
Dani Reese: [shakes her head] It's okay.
Charlie Crews: This came all the way from Guatemala. And now it's right here in this cup. It's all connected Reese.
Dani Reese: What is?
Charlie Crews: It is.
Dani Reese: Mmm, that's Zen.
Charlie Crews: Is it?
Dani Reese: That's Zen too, isn't it?
Charlie Crews: Is it?
Dani Reese: Say "is it?" one more time and I'll shoot you.

8)Alice Gibney: My husband told me about you. A cop, in jail, all those years. How did you go on living? How did you get past it?
Charlie Crews: Well, I could tell you you're already past it, tell you this moment is your life. I could tell you you have a husband and child who need you. But none of that means anything, does it?
Alice Gibney: So tell me something that means something. Tell me anything that means something.
Charlie Crews: The man who killed your son is out there, right now, inside this same moment we are in. As we sit here, as I look at you, the man who killed John is free. Now that means something, doesn't it?

9)Charlie Crews: I investigate things to complete my knowledge.
Charlie Crews: My complete knowledge makes my thoughts sincere.
Charlie Crews: My thoughts being sincere, my heart is pure.
10)Charlie Crews: Hate is a prison. But you know what, Rick? Prison is a prison too.
11)Charlie Crews: Revenge is a poison meant for others that we swallow ourselves.
12) Charlie Crews: Maybe life is a dream and we wake up when we die?



1)"We saw pictures of people taking pictures, and pictures of you taking pictures, but we haven't seen any of the pictures that you took. Where are those pictures, Tiffie?"

2)Crews: It's like she's no one.
Reese: No one is no one.
Crews: Now you sound like me.
Reese: Take that back.

3)Crews: It's an angel.
Reese: It's a woman with fake wings.
Crews: Maybe she's a real angel with fake wings.
Reese: Why would a real angel have...no, no, not doing this.


Charlie: You think you can get to Level 10?
Computer Cop: I'm 30 years old. I live with my mother and I have a Captain Kirk costume in my closet.

(and my favorite of the night)
Charlie: You awake?
Computer Cop 2: Of course. Sleep is for babies."

5)Crews:"How come you only call me when someone's dead?"

6) Computer Cop :"We found what we mostly find on teenagers computers, games, porn; not even good porn."
Dani :"I'm sorry you had to see that."

7) Crews says: "Imagine yourself married to two women..."
Ted (thoughtfully) : "Okay, I'll play."

8) Charlie: "I change my mind. I wanna come back as a panda"
Dani: "Really? They're so cute."
Charlie: "They're not cute. They seem cute. But they're really mean."

Charlie: (About the oranges) I grew them myself.

Charlie: (in the middle of a party) I bought my ex-wife a horse!

Charlie: What do they call it? Myspace? Yourspace? Facebook? Faceplace?

9) I want to be the unwobbling pivot at the center of an ever-revolving universe. I want to be still.

10) In the hotel room from which the girl was thrown, the janitor is asked about stealing room keys and replies, "I didn't steal nothing."

To which Charlie replies:
Oh, you can't steal nothing.
Nothing does not exist.
To steal something that doesn't exist...wait...wait...
If it doesn't exist then how can it be something?
Hah! I hate that! Don't you hate that?
It's a brain fart, right?"

11) Crews: It's all connected, Reese.
Reese: What is?
Crews: It is.

12) Crews: "You seen the lab they got down there Nate? That lab can match anything to anything. You fart, they'll bag it, sample it and peg it on you. Carving, it's easy."


 6 ) A major disappointment for Damian Lewis fans

The big question is: after "Band of Brothers" and the great yet lesser-known gem of a film, "Keane", why would Damian Lewis want to embarass himself this way?

Damian Lewis is the reason I looked into this show, against gloomy forebodings brought to me by the plot summary. He turns out to be......vacuous. The show's "Zen" suggestion is not really there in the writing, which must have put together perhaps half an hour after the writers woke up from two weeks of drunken binge and suddenly realized the deadline was up. You cannot expect Lewis to off-handedly pull a kicking rabbit out of his hat, given dead lines like "Oh really? You think I think we all know life is a dream".

If I have to say something nice about the show: OK, thanks for not inserting a gratuitous love interest between "Crews" and Detective Reese". That's one cliches fewer than it could have been. But, hey, the show is still young.


sarah sahi。配乐不错。

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