

主演:Tom Nardini,Brenda Bazinet,Daryl Haney,Doug Lennox






自卫 剧照 NO.1自卫 剧照 NO.2自卫 剧照 NO.3自卫 剧照 NO.4自卫 剧照 NO.5自卫 剧照 NO.6自卫 剧照 NO.13自卫 剧照 NO.14自卫 剧照 NO.15自卫 剧照 NO.16自卫 剧照 NO.17自卫 剧照 NO.18自卫 剧照 NO.19自卫 剧照 NO.20


 1 ) 规矩












 2 ) Nietzsche's Art of Self-Defense

God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it? -- Nietzsche, The Gay Science

The film starts with our martyr whose name is Casey. Casey has been carpentering for a company diligently for 10 long years as a sensible accountant. But since he is in a surrealistic film, his coworkers deny him of everything. He is biologically alive but devoid of being-in-this-world. Even the narrator bullies him by expose to us his most private moment of musterbation. He is a slave, living in the antithesis, the denial of his own being-aliveness. Unable to act for himself, voluntarily disavowing all of his own liveliness. He lives his life as if his alivneess itself is a sin and a torment. And which is possibly due to an ancestor or his being tricked to bite a fruit.

He was crucified by four gangsters from Motorbike Ville. Life instinct kicks in. Resurrected on a hospital bed. He is reincarnated with the superpower of affirmation. Immediately he affirms his own life. He wants to be alive. He wants to protect himself. He doesn’t know how. The teller told him a hand-gun will do. Yes. The ultimate phallic signifier.

Affirming is, however, not easy. He bumped into a contender of his will of “to own a handgun” — it was the rule number 11 of the Karate Academy — “Guns are for the weak.” He acted like an orange peremptory bady. He stopped affirming his own life and began to affirm the reactive thought of “I am not weak.” He found himself a new passion. Yes, the Karate Academy will save him.

His protagonist sized life instinct propels him forward. After only two months of training, as a yellow belt, he defeated his brown-belt classmate. He is now ceremonially a real karate man.

But an antithesis can not exist by itself. It logically presupposes a thesis. And in our case the thesis is “Karate is for the strong” and it in turn presupposes the Karate Academy’s(the slogan giver’s) existence. His yellow belt is an amulet signifying the Academy. It empowers him. He can not affirm himself without it. He needs the academic affirmation to be a phallic-owning real man.

The Academy reels in, all of this is but the Sensei’s trap. The Sensei now demands our protagonist to serve him. Whatever Casey feels, whatever he wills, the Sensei overpowers him. He is again being bullied. Only this time with blood dripping down from his hand. He ceases to be a man, he is a tool willed by Sensei. He eventually ceases to be a human. The cost to be a real karate man is to give up his own life.

The acute memory of the Motorbike Ville woke him up. He wills again to be alive. He has learned his lesson. Using a pistol he killed the Sensei, took over the myth of the “index finger technique” which is the local phallic signifier in the academy and became the crowned king of a new dynasty.

The film ends here, and Nietzsche can only guide this far. There is no guarantee of a happily ever after. It's up to Casey to decide what to do next, and we have all seen how easy it was to fall into a trap. Our society is a web of traps weaved by those powerful but insecure people. “只能說當超人真的好難” said Jay.

Epilogue: Nietzsche the Nihilist. Nihilist, noun, “a person who believes that life is meaningless and rejects all religious and moral principles.” This can not be any further from the truth. The “nihilism” of Nietzsche is a two-fold formation. At its very core it a radical affirmation of one’s own life, of one’s own vitality, and of one’s own will to create personal values and to live by those values. It is in comparison to this stronger inner will to live that the outside laws seem afloat, hence can be rejected. This film is an excellent demonstration of the destructive potential of letting a social construct to take prior position over one’s own existence(Crusade, Fascism, Isis, to name a few in real life). And because of this rejection of all outside influences, this rejection of all fundamental law that can be used to judge one’s life, one’s life is then reciprocally said to be “meaningless.” The phrase “God is dead” should be followed by “long live the gods within.”

 3 ) 狗狗 牛

Casey刚开头就有种黑色幽默的感觉 杰西的肢体语言 偏暗的色调 低音弦乐器的节奏感 让人感觉莫名好笑

杰西怎么又是这种宅男 不得不说真的很适合他 这种角色 气质太搭了

跟狗狗抱歉“i am sorry 我不知道狗粮吃完了”天呐我太喜欢他了 好惨啊36岁 只有个小狗 还那么惨

音乐真的有意思 被一群摩托车追跑的那个镜头 人物居中 侧打 有一种戏剧化的感觉

越来跑的越快 想到了布达佩斯大饭店


俩人在打架 Casey在一旁格格不入 吗的 想到我练跆拳道的愚蠢样子了

这钢琴曲 配合练习片段 重复蒙太奇 然后放大

这感觉太好笑 有一种美感的暴力 还有一点可笑


看到杰西哭那我哈哈大笑 这个电影完全踩中了我的笑点太惨了哈哈哈哈哈哈哈


后来整金属乐配合练习片段 到后半段就有点奇怪 有点黑色和暴力 角色转变的挺戏剧化的


最后的转变太喜欢了 反男权到一定地步了

这个电影可以进入年度最爱 杰西 还是你牛

 4 ) 还是枪最好使


 5 ) 《自卫的艺术》——艺术可不都是纯净的

00:17:35 自截

《自卫的艺术》和《调音师》给我的感觉非常相似,都是有趣、刺激、血淋淋的,结局是看似弱势的一方成功反杀。它们在节奏上有所不同,前者会慢一些,但是如果你喜欢上述感觉,那么我相信你会享受《自卫的艺术》。更何况男主由Jesse Eisenberg这位金牌演员出演,他和融合了社恐、神经质甚至还有一点点可怜兮兮的神秘形象搭配起来,再完美不过了。







01:35:00 自截





 6 ) [Film Review] The Art of Self-Defense (2019) 6.9/10

Sophomoric feature film of US director/writer Riley Stearns, himself in real life is a practitioner and instructor of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and THE ART OF SELF-DEFENSE gets the jumping-off point right there.

Eisenberg is in his usual saddo form as the lonesome Casey, a 35-year-old accountant has no one but a pet dachshund for company. After being savagely mugged one night by a motorcycle gang, he balks at going out at night, and tries to buy a firearm for self protection but ends up in a dojo where karate is instructed by the upright Sensei (Nivola).

Beginning as a tabula rasa white-belt, Casey apparently makes goodly progress and soon earns his yellow-belt and gets an invitation to the night class, where the training becomes more combative, he witness Anna (Poots) mercilessly beats up fellow student Thomas (Terada) after losing a promotion to black-belt to him, and another student Henry (Zellner) has his arm viciously broken for attending the class unheralded, a sinister vibe of hierarchy and sexism rightly supersedes the hitherto more lighthearted tone, to say nothing of the wanton violence on show.

Motivated by Sensei, Casey successfully morphs from a beta male to an alpha one (even if it costs him his job), or he eagerly pretends to be. After socking an innocent lush under the insistent instruction of Sensei, he begins to have doubts (why Sensei keeps filming him with his camcorder for his assault?), and in the wake of his pet’s premature death (dachshund is deemed not masculine enough for a man), an action betrays the evil-doer’s rashness and inopportuneness, and an accident of barbaric battery that he literally clocks a plainclothes policeman to death, Casey needs to burrow into the 411 (including the belated revelation that Sensei and his co. are actually his attackers) and face a final showdown with Sensei. Only this time, he will not play by the honor-bound rules, the brainwashing needs to be put paid to, once and for all.

Bracingly, the story mines into the touch-paper issue of toxic masculinity, a ubiquitous stigma breeding on the male sex and should be answerable for a big chunk of the scourge that plays havoc among human species, but Stearns’ troubling standing on the gun control (it is such an ill-conceived decision for the clincher occurs like that in the movie), that obfuscates itself with the “guns are for the weak” message and the rising-of-an-underdog trope, takes some shine off its offbeat, effervescent veneer, and when Casey finally vouchsafes a new leadership to the sole member of the weaker sex, it is too condescending an ending to stomach, however good Stearns’ intention is, yet, that ill feeling is thankfully alleviated by Poots’ steely resolution and undimmed asperity, only if the film could allocate more room to dwell on Anna’s story, that’s why we need female filmmakers now more than ever.

Shot in an overtly frugal budget with subdued lighting, mostly interior, THE ART OF SELF-DEFENSE’s most prudent movie is to assign a charismatic Nivola the role of Sensei, the amiable mentor figure who can simultaneously telegraph earnestness and dispassionateness in the same breath, despite of Sensei’s blinkered bigotry, we cannot blame Casey for knuckle under his mental indoctrination because Nivola makes him impossible to resist, even after we are fully convinced that he is the bane of any sane being’s life, on the off chance, we still wish he might have some justification up in his sleeves. Slowly evolving into one of the most versatile actors of his generation, Nivola has his brilliance seep into Sensei’s every ruthless action, manipulative ploy and assertive delivery, could he be a cult leader, devotees would be come running.

In toto, the film is a black comedy welded with a frivolous brutality that might be queasy for some to watch, but underneath everything, it is a magical realism allegory about the prototype of dichotomic masculinity, gives the lie to its poisonous core but runs away with a quirky conceitedness that needs some modulation.

referential entries: David Zellner’s KUMIKO, THE TREASURE HUNTER (2014, 6.8/10); Richard Ayoade’s THE DOUBLE (2013, 6.1/10).



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  • L.C.
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[SXSW#4] 笑果还是很不错,社会讽刺意味也清晰且浓重,可惜剧本生硬了些,不时会显得尴尬。7/10

  • 考拉先生
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  • Scarlett
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前半段构图动作音乐表演几乎全部挠在了我的笑点上……然后剧本的走向(被打的真相 最后的解决方式)我一开始都猜中,看到后毫不失望反而美滋滋的。超对胃口的一部片子!Cassie前后的言行变化也是非常典型的恐怖分子dehumanize和使人极端化的套路。如果品味一下自己在观影之中的情绪变化(男主的表演真的绝了)真的能感觉"普通"和"极端"之间仅隔浅滩。如何在思想上自卫?要时刻反思警惕啊

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太久没看到值得打5星的美国电影了。这部大概4.5🌟。主角前面被安排的明明白白,中间节奏比较慢,结尾翻盘有呼应前面的细节。Wicked smart movie!

  • 水脉
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  • 谢谢你们的鱼
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  • 桃桃林林
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太暗黑了。很好笑,2019年,我的年度十佳了。karate是空手道... 豆瓣简介里,哪个傻子写的“柔道训练学校”啊??? 是没看过片,还是没听说过Karate哈?

  • bugz
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看着心情好复杂,又好笑又严肃,wow experience简直满分。杰西艾森伯格好适合演这种神经兮兮又有点变态但心地善良又啰嗦的角色。女主居然是裂缝里的西班牙贵族小姐,长大了。

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  • обломов
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Intriguing! 太太太逗趣了!卷毛实在是演得太棒了!完完全全击中笑点,全场笑个不停,观感太愉悦。剧情走向合理也不流俗,年度最黑预定,各种梗用得非常自然。实在是太爽了哈哈哈!!

  • 逢澶Ty
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